Mental Maths Music
Music can be used to help mental maths more than you might think.
If you haven't organised a Maths Day for March, this is for your school! Memorable mathematical patterns, number fact fun experienced and practiced on percussion and drum.
Everyone loves music. However, not everyone loves maths! Maths really can be fun with a drum.
When you mix music with maths, there is no doubt that pupil’s frowns will instantly transform to smiles. You learn when you’re happy!
From having taken part, Teachers will be left with an arsenal of musical games to keep numeracy classes fresh and fun for the future.
Each year group from Reception to Year 6 will get a drumming experience catered for their mathematical ability. Pupils get to practice:
*Number Bonds
*Number facts up to 1000
*Counting forwards and backwards up to 1000
* Fractions and Venn Diagrams
•Times Tables
*Mental Maths Tailored for your pupils and year groups.
BOOK:Reply to this email to check my availability. ollie@ollieheath.com
You'll know if you tried to book me last year, that I book up fast, so please get back to me today with your ideal date.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Book: http://www.ollieheath.com/booking/
If you have any questions or would like to check Ollie's availability, please fill out a query form at the very bottom of the page.